

mail: info@gaigo.co.jp  tel: 03-5646-5324

46 生物科学・一般生物学 / 49 医学・薬学

00 新刊・新発売


SO 「在庫限り」のDVD

07 ジャーナリズム・マスコミ
10 哲学   
14 心理学  
15 倫理学  
16 宗教   
20 歴史   
21 博物館学
29 地理・地誌・紀行

30 社会科学 
31 政治・法律
32 経済   
33 経営   
37 教育   
38 文化人類学
39 国防・軍事
41 数学
42 物理学  
43 化学
44 天文学・宇宙科学
45 地球科学・地学
46 生物科学・一般生物学
49 医学・薬学
49 2 看護・介護・福祉・栄養
50 技術・工学
59 家政学・生活科学
60 産業   

70 美術・建築
76 音楽・舞踏
77 演劇・映画
78 スポーツ・体育
79 諸芸・娯楽

80 言語学  
81 国語・日本語
83 英語   
84 ドイツ語  
85 フランス語
86 スペイン語
87 イタリア語
88 ロシア語
89 その他の諸言語
90 国文学・文学全般   
92 中国文学/その他の東洋文学
93 英米文学 
94 ドイツ文学
95 フランス文学
96 スペイン文学
97 イタリア文学
98 ロシア・ソヴィエト文学
99 その他の諸文学

L1 以前のHP 1


死体は語る: 検死解剖が告げる生と死 (全4巻) 英語版


  • 規  格: DVD(英語音声版) 全4巻(各巻49分)
  • 制  作: 英国公共放送チャンネル4 2006年オンエア作品
  • 本体価格: 4巻セット 120,000円
  • 注文番号: GLH-007A

「人体解剖マニュアル (2)死因を探れば...」のオリジナル英語音声版。

It's said that the dead tell no tales-but an autopsy reveals a lot about how a person lived and died. In this four-part series, world-renowned anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee study and dissect human cadavers-preserved through plastination, von Hagens' patented process-and clearly illustrate the causes of death. Each program features eye-opening lessons in anatomy and pathology, offering an in-depth look at the intense hands-on training that precedes a career in medicine. A follow-up to the series Anatomy for Beginners, item #36296. Viewer discretion is advised. Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.

第1巻 循環器系: 検死解剖で解ること

CIRCULATION: What an Autopsy Reveals

人体の心臓や血 管の状態が判るように説明する

The life of a cardiac patient might hang by a thread-but it's more accurate to say it hangs by a tube. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee demonstrate just how delicate and vulnerable the human circulatory system is. Exposing the network of veins and arteries from a deceased woman's body, they dissect the heart to reveal a massive affliction of arterial sclerosis and illustrate what dead heart muscle looks like. They also drain the system of blood and pump a UV-sensitive resin through it, showing how blockages can affect circulation, harm the function of vital organs, and lead to heart attacks and death. Viewer discretion is advised.
Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. (49 minutes)

第2巻 腫瘍: 検死解剖で解ったこと

Tumor: What an Autopsy Reveals


Cancer is a vicious killer, but it leaves behind substantial clues that doctors can study. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee expose cancer for what it is-an attacker that can quickly and stealthily infiltrate the human body. Lee and von Hagens dissect the cadaver of a woman who, tragically, lost a battle with bowel cancer; they reveal the site of the primary tumor in the sigmoid colon, as well as the areas to which cancer had metastasized: the lungs and abdominal wall. To further illustrate tumor-spreading, the frozen body of a woman who succumbed to breast cancer is encased in polyurethane foam and sawed into slices. Viewer discretion is advised.
Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. (49 minutes)

第3巻 中毒死: 検死解剖が大活躍

POISONING: What an Autopsy Reveals


In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens conducts a meticulous autopsy in order to address the subject of poisoning-but the toxins he searches for have been manufactured within the deceased. Von Hagens and pathologist John Lee dissect the body of a man who suffered kidney failure, showing how the body can be contaminated if critical organs such as the kidneys and the liver can't filter out the poisonous by-products of metabolism. Following explanations of dialysis, a long segment of intestine is removed and connected to a fluid source, demonstrating the frequently fatal effects of obstruction, ulceration, or perforation of the intestinal tract. Viewer discretion is advised.
Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. (49 minutes)

第4巻 加齢: 検死解剖はここまで解る

AGING: What an Autopsy Reveals

脳、消化器を含む あらゆる内臓が加齢変化を示す

To most people, old age means gray hair and wrinkled skin-but that's just the surface. In this program, anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee focus on the rarely seen, internal effects of aging. The body of a woman who died in her 80s is analyzed in sections, then contrasted with corresponding sections from a young woman. Comparing age to a progressive disease, von Hagens and Lee expose the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, and the aged brain-which contains more pronounced folds and thinner gray matter than a young brain-as well as the colon, which becomes more distended with age, leading to the digestive complaints common among the elderly. Viewer discretion is advised.
Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. (49 minutes)


  メール: info@gaigo.co.jp  TEL: 03-5646-5324  FAX: 03-5646-5325 ⇒ FAX注文票はこちら