カール・ロジャーズ カウンセリングの世界 2018 英語版
- 規 格: DVD(英語音声) 全13巻(全巻352分)
- 制 作: 米国FMG国際配給 1970-1980年作品 2018年新装版発売
- 本体価格: 13巻セット 484,000円 分売各巻 41,800円
(価格改定 2022-07-01) - 注文番号: GLE-005
1960 年代の心理学・臨床実践分野における大きな潮流のひとつカウンセリング。その源流にいるロジャーズ。
1.エンカウンター・グループ: 1970年-1971年 3巻組 全93分
2018年 新発売 本体価格 110,000円*

(1)Carl Rogers Conducts an Encounter Group: Part 1
This program features a live demonstration of Carl Rogers leading an encounter group. It shows how the individuals work through the beginning stages of forming a group. Rogers discusses important factors in facilitating a group session, discusses the levels at which a group operates, and highlights the importance of honest communication between group members and facilitators. 32 min.(2)Carl Rogers Conducts an Encounter Group: Part 2
This program continues following the encounter group led by Carl Rogers, with additional commentary from Rogers on group process. 35 min.(3)Carl Rogers on Facilitating a Group
In this program, Carl Rogers talks about group process and the role of the group facilitator. He discusses the factors he feels are the most significant in facilitating group counseling. 26 min.2.結婚について 事例とインタビュー: 1972年-1973年 3巻組 全113分
2018年 新発売 本体価格 110,000円*

(1)Carl Rogers on Marriage: Part 1 - An Interview with Nancy and John
In this program, Carl Rogers works with Nancy and John, interviewing them to determine their contrasting backgrounds, problems they have faced, and sources of fulfillment they may have discovered in their relationship. At the end of the session, Rogers reviews what he has learned about their partnership. 44 min.(2)Carl Rogers on Marriage: Part 2 - An Interview with Jane and Jerry
In this program, Carl Rogers works with Jane and Jerry interviewing them to determine their contrasting backgrounds, problems they have faced, and sources of fulfillment they may have discovered in their relationship. At the end of the session, Rogers reviews what he has learned about their partnership. 41 min.(3)Carl Rogers on Marriage: Persons as Partners
In this video discussion with John Whiteley, Carl Rogers describes conditions he has researched over the years that distinguish successful relationships between men and women from unsuccessful ones. 28 min.3.教育を論じる: 1971年 2巻組 全69分
2018年 新装版・新価格 本体価格 74,800円*

(1)Carl Rogers on Education: Part 1
In this video discussion with John Whiteley, Carl Rogers discusses his ideas on education and the psychology of the learning process. 34 min.(2)Carl Rogers on Education: Part 2
In this video discussion with John Whiteley, Carl Rogers discusses his ideas on education and the psychology of the learning process. 31 min.
4.共感性と発達障害: 1974年 2巻組 全51分
2018年 新装版・新価格 本体価格 74,800円*

(1)Carl Rogers on Empathy: Part 1
This video discussion between Carl Rogers and John Whiteley defines empathy, traces the history of Rogers's work on empathy, and outlines research findings. 24 min.(2)Carl Rogers on Empathy: Part 2
This video discussion between Carl Rogers and John Whiteley looks at how empathic responses affect the recipient and considers the relationship of empathy to learning and to the formation of self-identity. 27 min.5.フィードバックから学ぶ: 1980年 2巻組 全43分
2018年 新装版・新価格 本体価格74,800円*

(1)The Inner World of Counseling with Carl Rogers: Part 1
This program follows Carl Rogers as he uses the client-centered model to interview a client. With freeze-frames and voice-over commentary, the client describes her feelings during the interview and Rogers discusses the counseling techniques he is using and the client's reactions. 22 min.(2)The Inner World of Counseling with Carl Rogers: Part 2
This program presents another interview with the same client as in The Inner World of Counselingl Part 1 and highlights Carl Rogers methodology and the client's feelings during the session. 23 min.6.カール・ロジャーズ 1977年 インタビュー 26分
Carl Rogers on Counseling: A Personal Perspective at Age 75
In this interview, Carl Rogers reflects on his philosophy, principles, and methods of counseling. He also talks about the role of a counselor in helping an individual to make behavioral changes so the person can develop and grow constructively as a person, as well as a social entity. 26 min.2018年 新発売 本体価格 41.800円*

1960年代に同世代の心理学者マズローらと《ヒューマニスティック サイコロジー運動》を、また、実存哲学者メイらと展開して獲得したポジティブで前向きな精神への信頼。来談者自身のその取り戻しを支えるカウンセラーの仕事は、《いま、ここで》聞き役を引き受けることだというロジャーズの信条が、さらに社会課題への取り組みにまで拡がりを得るまでになる。75歳の年のインタビュー。