

mail: info@gaigo.co.jp  tel: 03-5646-5324

46 生物科学・一般生物学

00 新刊・新発売


SO 「在庫限り」のDVD

07 ジャーナリズム・マスコミ
10 哲学   
14 心理学  
15 倫理学  
16 宗教   
20 歴史   
21 博物館学
29 地理・地誌・紀行

30 社会科学 
31 政治・法律
32 経済   
33 経営   
37 教育   
38 文化人類学
39 国防・軍事
41 数学
42 物理学  
43 化学
44 天文学・宇宙科学
45 地球科学・地学
46 生物科学・一般生物学
49 医学・薬学
49 2 看護・介護・福祉・栄養
50 技術・工学
59 家政学・生活科学
60 産業   

70 美術・建築
76 音楽・舞踏
77 演劇・映画
78 スポーツ・体育
79 諸芸・娯楽

80 言語学  
81 国語・日本語
83 英語   
84 ドイツ語  
85 フランス語
86 スペイン語
87 イタリア語
88 ロシア語
89 その他の諸言語
90 国文学・文学全般   
92 中国文学/その他の東洋文学
93 英米文学 
94 ドイツ文学
95 フランス文学
96 スペイン文学
97 イタリア文学
98 ロシア・ソヴィエト文学
99 その他の諸文学

L1 以前のHP 1


微生物学入門 全8巻


  • 規  格: DVD(英語音声版) 全8巻(各巻31~42分)
  • 制  作: FFH 1993~1997年作品
  • 本体価格: 8巻セット 319,000円 分売各巻 41,800円
          (価格改定 2022-07-01)
  • 注文番号: GLH-003


第1巻: 人体とバクテリア

Humans and Bacteria

どのような種類が、なぜそこに存在するのか? 三つの主なグループや、人体内での働きを説明する。

第2巻: 分子生物学

Molecular Biology


第3巻: HIVウイルス



第4巻: プロテイン



第5巻: 遊離基

Free Radicals


第6巻: 癌と転移

Cancer and Metastasis


第7巻: 癌遺伝子



第8巻: ウイルス




Investigations in Microbiology
This outstanding eight-part series uses electron microscopy and computer technology to study the science that is at the heart of today’s cancer, genetic, and bacterial research. Designed for college classes, the programs combine sophisticated computer graphics and animation with excellent microscopic views of body tissues to thoroughly examine each concept discussed. 8-part series.

1. Humans and Bacteria

This program presents the human body as a complex ecosystem of bacteria, then examines each portion of the body, which bacteria live there, and why. The three major bacterial groups—sphere-shaped cocci, rods, and helical spirochetes and spirilla—are examined. Their behavior when interacting within the body is explored. The life and death of obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, and obligate anaerobes is described. A discussion of factors that encourage bacterial growth leads to specific information on which bacteria cause certain conditions, and how infection can be avoided. (41 minutes)

2. Molecular Biology

This program shows the various types of gene reproduction and examines the gene responsible for blood clotting. The production of coded proteins is clearly demonstrated. The processes of gel filtration, protein sequence analysis, isolation of mRNA, DNA synthesis and reproduction, production and screening of a DNA bank, and hybridization, along with other demonstrations, are re-created through highly sophisticated computer animation. (42 minutes)


This program discusses the nature of the HIV virus and shows how it propagates by utilizing living cells. Its organization is examined, along with its most prominent genes—gag, pol, and env. Reverse transcription—the process by which the virus enters the DNA—is examined. Prevention of the reverse transcription process, along with the development of protease inhibitors and genetically engineered protein vaccines, are discussed as promising ways of slowing reproduction of the AIDS virus. (38 minutes)

4. Proteins

Proteins, the essential biochemical foundation of the cell, fulfill a variety of tasks within the human body. This program provides insights into their structure and several of their functions, including their role in catalytic biochemical reaction and reproduction. How proteins recognize the "packaging" of smaller molecules is explored. Using a photosynthetic protein—a proton pump—as an example, excellent computer simulation shows the proteins at work, moving an atom through the system. (37 minutes)

5. Free Radicals

Free radicals are an important weapon in the immune system, but they can also cause chemical reactions that lead to damage of fatty acids, DNA mutation, and protein destruction. This program examines how the most important radicals are created, and how they work. The relationship between chain reactions of radicals within the body and conditions such as arteriosclerosis is examined. How the antioxidants alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, and vitamin C protect the body from damage is demonstrated through computer animation. Connections between free-radical production and cancer, heart attack, stroke, and cataracts are suggested. (31 minutes)

6. Cancer and Metastasis

This program studies the biological processes by which the body reproduces cancerous tumors, and summarizes the results of current research. The various steps of metastasis are clearly demonstrated in film and computer animation. A film segment of real human tissue shows tumor cells moving in a regulated manner under the direction of "leader cells." Computer animation illustrates how a normal cell becomes cancerous. Treatments under development for the prevention of metastasis in certain cancers are summarized. (39 minutes)

7. Oncogenes

This program discusses how the chemical alteration of oncogenes in human cells causes the growth of cancerous tumors. Toxic substances, radiation, viruses, and inherited genetic defects are examined as factors causing such alteration. The mechanisms by which the altered forms overrule normal cell regulation are illustrated through microscope views and computer animation. Specific information is provided on cell cycle, cell division, growth factors, receptors, protein kinase, phosphatase, G-proteins, transduction processes, src-, ras-, and raf-oncogenes, and signal transduction. (33 minutes)

8. Viruses

Viruses are the simplest forms of life—so primitive in biological terms that for some years the scientific community debated whether they should even be regarded as living organisms. This program examines how viruses, though incapable of reproducing outside of living cells, have developed refined strategies for reconfiguring the host organism into one that serves exclusively as a virus breeder. Sophisticated computer graphics and microscopy allow viewers to watch as these resourceful parasites seek out, damage, or kill the invaded host. (33 minutes)


  • GLH-001: メディカル・イメージ・ライブラリーDVD-ROM ウェルカムトラスト提供画像 12,000枚
    本体価格 210,000円 販売終了
    ⇒ 詳細はこちら(別ウィンドウ/タブで開きます)
  • GLH-002: 生化学実験要領バイオケミストリ入門(全4巻) ロングセラーのVHSソフトDVD版
    本体価格 165,000円*
    ⇒ 詳細はこちら(別ウィンドウ/タブで開きます)
  • GLH-007: 医食同源: 英語で学ぶ食事と栄養(全5巻) 米農務省指針2011と食事ガイドラインMP
    本体価格 110,000円*
    ⇒ 詳細はこちら(別ウィンドウ/タブで開きます)
  • GLH-008: 細胞生物学入門(全4巻) セルバイオロジー最新入門シリーズ!
    本体価格 154,000円*
    ⇒ 詳細はこちら(別ウィンドウ/タブで開きます)


  メール: info@gaigo.co.jp  TEL: 03-5646-5324  FAX: 03-5646-5325 ⇒ FAX注文票はこちら