化学基礎の基礎: 分子・原子・イオン・結合・素粒子 8巻組 英語版
- 規 格: DVD(英語音声/英語字幕表示機能付) 全8巻(各巻23-40分)
チャプタメニュー/英文チャプタガイド付 - 制 作: 米国FMG国際配給
- 本体価格: 8巻セット 209,000円(価格改定 2022-07-01)
- 注文番号: GLS-031
Episode 1: The Dawn of Modern Chemistry

26 minutes
Episode 2: Oxygen Everywhere

23 minutes
Episode 3: The Discovery of Atoms

27 minutes
Episode 4: The Periodic Table
This fourth episode examines the discovery of atoms and the development
of the periodic table. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can
better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery.
It also looks at theMendeleev's predictions of atoms that were later confirmed.
32 minutes
Episode 5: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
The fifth episode examines the experiments that lead to the discovery of
protons, neutrons, and electrons. By explaining the basics of atoms, students
can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery.
39 minutes
Episode 6: Electron Shells
The sixth episode examines the qualities of the electron shell, and the experiments that lead to its discovery. By explaining the basics of atoms, students can better understand the chemical reactions which led to their discovery. It also looks at the arrangement of the periodic table, spectroscopes, and atom size. 35 minutes
Episode 7: Covalent Bonding
Episode 7 explains how the atoms of non-metals bond together with covalent
bonds to form molecules. Science teacher Spiro Liacos introduces the concepts
of electron dot diagrams, structural formulas, electron configuration,
and organic chemistry. 36 minutes
Episode 8: Ionic Bonding

40 minutes