

mail: info@gaigo.co.jp  tel: 03-5646-5324

42 物理学

00 新刊・新発売


SO 「在庫限り」のDVD

07 ジャーナリズム・マスコミ
10 哲学   
14 心理学  
15 倫理学  
16 宗教   
20 歴史   
21 博物館学
29 地理・地誌・紀行

30 社会科学 
31 政治・法律
32 経済   
33 経営   
37 教育   
38 文化人類学
39 国防・軍事
41 数学
42 物理学  
43 化学
44 天文学・宇宙科学
45 地球科学・地学
46 生物科学・一般生物学
49 医学・薬学
49 2 看護・介護・福祉・栄養
50 技術・工学
59 家政学・生活科学
60 産業   

70 美術・建築
76 音楽・舞踏
77 演劇・映画
78 スポーツ・体育
79 諸芸・娯楽

80 言語学  
81 国語・日本語
83 英語   
84 ドイツ語  
85 フランス語
86 スペイン語
87 イタリア語
88 ロシア語
89 その他の諸言語
90 国文学・文学全般   
92 中国文学/その他の東洋文学
93 英米文学 
94 ドイツ文学
95 フランス文学
96 スペイン文学
97 イタリア文学
98 ロシア・ソヴィエト文学
99 その他の諸文学

L1 以前のHP 1


物理基礎の基礎: 運動と力 英語版 全8巻


  • 規  格: DVD(英語音声/英語字幕表示機能付) 全8巻(全227分)
  • 制  作: 米国FMG国際配給
  • 本体価格: 8巻セット 220,000円(価格改定 2022-07-01)
  • 注文番号: GLS-032

This series is a visual treasure trove of demonstrations, animations, and explanations of all things motion! To an extent we are all familiar with motion because we all move and we see movement everywhere, but a detailed knowledge of motion has allowed us to build the wonderful modern world that we live in.
Length: 227 minutes

Episode 1: Speed

In episode One, presenter Spiro Liacos introduces students to the concept that speed is a measure of how far something travels in a given amount of time, looks at how speed varies in a sprint, explains the concept of velocity, and demonstrates a number of ways of measuring an object’s speed. 24 minutes

Episode 2: Acceleration

In episode Two, we introduce students to the concept that acceleration is a measure of how quickly something changes its speed. We join James Bond as he falls out of an aeroplane without a parachute, splash into the water at 50.4 km/hr with presenter Spiro Liacos, and watch on helplessly as a truck runs off an unfinished bridge and explodes in a massive fireball. 24 minutes

Episode 3: Relative Motion

In episode Three, we introduce students to the concept that the movement of an object is always relative to something else. We call it “sunrise” but does the sun really rise? Can we stand still and move around from place to place at the same time? If a car is moving forwards, can it also be moving backwards at the same time? And can we throw a single ball towards the left and towards the right at the same time? The answers to all these questions will be answered and along the way we will gain a much deeper understanding of velocity and acceleration! 24 minutes

Episode 4: Graphing Motion

In a 100-metre sprint, when do athletes reach their highest speed? When do they accelerate at the highest rate and at what point, if any, do they stop accelerating? In episode Four , we look at how graphs can help us better understand the motion of athletes and of cars and other things. 29 minutes

Episode 5: Graphing Free Fall

In episode Five , we continue looking at graphs but pay particular attention to how graphs help us to understand the motion of objects that are either falling straight down or which have been launched vertically upwards into the air. 21 minutes

Episode 6: Newton's First Law

In episode Six , presenter Spiro Liacos is “thrown forward” in a head-on collision, “thrown backwards” when his tram takes off, and “thrown to the side” when his car suddenly turns a corner. But in fact none f these things actually happen! Using brilliant visuals, this episode looks at the fact that an object will remain stationary or move with a constant velocity unless a force acts on it. It also describes a number of different forces that affect our lives daily. 39 minutes

Episode 7: Newton's Second Law

In episode Seven , we answer the most important question that has ever been asked: how does a magician pull a tablecloth out from under a dinner set? No, seriously, we look at the so simple and yet so powerful equation F = ma. Newton’s Second Law tells us how to calculate the amount of force required to accelerate something by a given amount. 40 minutes

Episode 8: Newton's Third Law

In episode Eight , we look at that most poetic of all Laws. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. How does a rcket engine work? Why do guns recoil when fired? How do our muscles work? What propels us when we’re swimming? And how exactly is gravity a two-way interaction? All these questions, and many more, are answered in this excellent video. 34 minutes


  メール: info@gaigo.co.jp  TEL: 03-5646-5324  FAX: 03-5646-5325 ⇒ FAX注文票はこちら